Workers found to be at significant risk for a long-term disability based on known psychosocial risk factors following a musculoskeletal injury were identified using a screening tool. This questionnaire was given to all injured workers within 5 days of injury. ... read more ›
A combined intervention of specific strength training plus training in pain management skills provided by a physiotherapist is associated with better function than either treatment alone in patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA).
A multicentre trial randomised 222 patients with painful ... read more ›
A common approach to investigating the cause of pain is to undergo a scan. This might be an x ray, ultrasound, CT scan or MRI. Unfortunately, scans are not fool proof and don’t tell the whole story. Scan findings may ... read more ›
A physiotherapist’s approach to managing chronic pain should incorporate an active rather than passive approach. A passive approach is when treatment is “done” to the client and the client is overly reliant on their treater. This not only includes hands ... read more ›
If a staff member is not managing to fully complete work duties due to chronic pain, a pain management program should be considered. Pain management programs do not aim to cure pain, however it is reasonable to expect that pain ... read more ›
Plan for an early and safe RTW or to allow an injured staff member to stay at work. Work is good for our physical and psychological well being. Psychosocial risk factors tend to develop the longer someone is off work,
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Recovery from Depressive Symptoms over the Course of Physical Therapy
This study looked at adults who had work related back or neck pain for 3-12 weeks since injury and clinical depression (BDI >13) who underwent 7 weeks of physio treatment
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